Contact Information
Mrs. Annie Rose-Mason, Library Media Specialist
Interested in Volunteering in the TES Library Media Center?
while we are unable to have volunteers at this time, volunteers play an important role in helping our students get the most out of our Library Media program and resources. A special thank you to our family volunteers from past years! As soon as it is safe and possible, we could always use more assistance. If you are contemplating becoming a part of our volunteer team, there are times available most days. Mrs. Rose-Mason would love to hear from you (email is best)!
while we are unable to have volunteers at this time, volunteers play an important role in helping our students get the most out of our Library Media program and resources. A special thank you to our family volunteers from past years! As soon as it is safe and possible, we could always use more assistance. If you are contemplating becoming a part of our volunteer team, there are times available most days. Mrs. Rose-Mason would love to hear from you (email is best)!