General Information
General Information
School Hours (Grades K-4)
Full Day: 8:45 AM to 3:20 PM
Delayed Opening: 10:45 AM to 3:20 PM
Delayed Opening Information
Inclement weather or unusual circumstances occasionally necessitate a delayed opening in schools. Delayed openings are always announced. When there is a delayed opening, school will start two (2) hours later than normal. Lunch will be provided. A delayed opening does constitute one of the 180 school days required by state law. The school hours for a delayed opening are 10:45 AM to 3:20 PM.
Early Dismissal Schedule
The school hours for early dismissal days are 8:45 AM to 1:00 PM.
Emergency Early Dismissal Information
If there is an early dismissal due to an emergency situation or inclement weather, you will be contacted by the Realtime Alert System. All K through Grade 4 students (including YMCA aftercare participants) will be placed on their assigned buses. All PickUp Patrol instructions for that specific day and "permanent pickup" status will be considered cancelled and those students will be placed on their assigned buses. A small number of School Choice students with no assigned buses will be sent to the main office to wait for their parents. It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to make arrangements with your neighbors or family members to greet your child at the bus stop if you cannot be there. We urge you to include these neighbors and family members as Realtime contacts. Update your Realtime contacts and call priority as necessary through the parent portal.
Please periodically review these plans with your child.
Parent Drop Off
Students may arrive no earlier than 8:35 AM and must be in their classrooms by 8:45 AM.
Students arriving after 8:45 AM will be marked tardy.
Parents who need to drop students off in the morning should pull up to the stop sign. Once staff members are outside, buses have been unloaded, and duty staff indicate it is safe to do so, children can exit their cars. For safety's sake, parents should only allow their children to get out of the car on the walkway (passenger) side. Parents need to remain in their cars.
Parent Pick Up
Parents/guardians need to notify the school office staff using PickUp Patrol prior to 3:00 PM (12:30 PM on early dismissal days) that the student will be picked up at school unless parent pick up is set as the default plan in PickUp Patrol already. Please do not e-mail your requests. Please contact Cathy Pepe if you need help with PickUp Patrol at 908-832-2594 x2002.
Parents who pick their child(ren) up from school may do so by driving to the lower level parking lot and parking. Then please walk to one of the two cafeteria doors, which face the front of the school. They are marked A to L and M to Z. Please go to the door with the initial of your child's last name. When all students who are scheduled to be picked up are confirmed to be in the cafeteria, the designated staff members will begin dismissing them on a first come, first serve basis.
We prefer that you report your child's absences in PickUp Patrol. Please give a detailed explanation for their absence. If they are coming to school late, please indicate that they are absent but will arrive at an approximate time. All students will be marked absent until they arrive in the school building. Late students will be given a tardy slip to give to their teacher and younger students will be escorted to their classroom by the school secretaries.
Inclement Weather
We utilize the Realtime alert module as an essential tool for notification and communication. Within minutes of an emergency, school officials can use the alert module to deliver a single, clear message to the students’ parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, or e-mail in any combination. It can also be used to notify you of a school closing or remote learning day due to inclement weather or emergency. It contacts people based on what you enter into Realtime through the parent portal, so it is important for you to keep this information up to date. Please access the Realtime Parent Portal to update your contact information. If you need assistance in accessing Realtime, please contact Eileen Callahan at (x2001).
YMCA Before and After School Care
YMCA Before and After School Care is available at TES on Monday-Friday with prior registration. You can register for specific days or use their "drop in" service. Please contact Stephanie Lawreck, YMCA District Director, at 908-483-4628 or email
The Tewksbury Family Assistance Fund
The Tewksbury Family Assistance Fund is here to lend a temporary helping hand to community members who find themselves in a difficult financial position. This is a completely anonymous organization and your personal information is always secure and held in the highest confidence. If you need help, please contact the principal, Lisa Moore, at 908-832-2594 x2005, or email If you prefer, you can contact the school nurse, Nancy Morogiello, at 908-832-2594 x2011, or email
Tewksbury Elementary School
109 Fairmount Road
Califon, NJ 07830
Main Number: 908-832-2594
Fax: 908-832-6296
Lisa Moore, Principal x2001
Sheila Donovan, School Counselor & Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Specialist x2007
Nancy Morogiello, School Nurse x2011
Eileen Callahan, Principal's Secretary x2001
Cathy Pepe, School Secretary x2002